Added Alpha Version of Untold Secrets

I have added a version of the printable edition of Untold Secrets which includes both A Family Affair and The Normal Amount is Zero as playsets. This has the fully updated rules wordings and explanations from the current development version of Untold Secrets.

The Normal Amount is Zero is going through its first playtests right now, so it WILL have problems, as it takes lots of fine tuning to get all the relationships, scenes and questions balanced properly. It does have one advantage over A Family Affair though, all of the characters and all of the relationships are gender neutral so you have more options on how to play around with your characters (you can in A Family Affair as well, its just less obvious that you are able to do this because of the traditionally gendered names and relationship roles)

Anyway, if you want to give it a go, you are more than welcome to try it out, and please give me any feedback either here or on Bluesky.


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49 days ago

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